Friday, July 18, 2008

A place for my thoughts

Hello, and welcome to my first foray into the world of blogging. There is no great story behind the genesis of this blog. In fact, I'm fairly certain it is starting for the same basic purpose of almost every other blog; to act as a storage and display space for the varyingly stupid, scary, pointless, interesting, fascinating, critical, comical, cynical, political, spiritual, philosophical, maniacal, anecdotal, insightful, beautiful, fantastical, fucked up, lovely, perverted, optimistic, pessimistic, narcissistic, nihilistic, noble, offensive and utterly or mildly disturbing contents of his or her mind. In short, I've got too many thoughts, and I need a place to put them. I figured the Internet was a good place to start.

Just in case I ever accumulate any kind of audience, I should make a few things clear. First, I have no idea how often I will post to this thing. I could post twice in one day, and then not for another month. It could ultimately end up depending on how much weed I've been smoking. Second, I'm not going to try to tell anyone what they want to hear. If you agree with me, that's cool, and if you don't, even better. There's little I enjoy more than inconsequential debate and discussion (I've never had either that were of consequence, so I can't say what that's like), which is why I also encourage you to post your comments. If I say something dumb, something you find offensive, something you disagree with, something that you know to be downright wrong or anything else that invokes some sort of response (which should happen often, assuming anybody actually reads this thing) post it; we will all be richer for it. I should also add that anything I post will basically be unedited, unrefined, and will have some degree of spontaneity; hell, I'll probably end up regretting some of the shit that I say. It will also most likely be rare that I say something original. These are just a few things to bear in mind. Furthermore, the content of each blog will for the most part be random, whatever that means. And finally, YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ IT. If my musings rub you the wrong way or simply aren't your cup of tea, find something else to read.

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