Friday, July 18, 2008

Expectations of a new blog

I am not sure what to expect of this blog, but if I can get a few people to read this thing, It'll end up being a really fun project and something a lot of people can enjoy. One of the great things about the internet is that it opens up all these new lines of communication and can be a great tool for expanding ones mind. Unfortunately, it seems to have contributed to the dumbing down of the general population. Perhaps this is because with the internet, it is way too easy to be entertained; the mind no longer has to work for its excitement and stimulation, for it is all now available at the push of a button.

It was the same with TV. Just think about the difference between watching television and reading books, or even listening to the radio. If you're listening to a radio program, the kind that used to be incredibly popular before television became ubiquitous, you'd have to actually imagine what the characters and settings looked like, forcing you to project yourself onto the story and really engage with it. The result was that while everyone heard the same program, they all saw it in their own unique way, with the mind only too happy to fill in the blanks. Some say the internet is different from television in that it offers you whatever you want; you can listen to the radio, read books, newspapers and magazines, look at photographs, and do a whole shitload of other things, all on the internet. And they're right. But its really no coincidence that youtube is one of the most popular websites there is.

So I'd be thrilled if I could get a few people to read what I have to say and maybe even enjoy it. It is however discouraging that I cannot think of a single blog that is wildly popular, though I could just be missing something. And if there is a blog that is ridiculously famous, its probably about something really fucking stupid, like celebrity gossip. So even if I were a brilliant writer with really powerful insight, it'd be hard to have very high hopes for this thing. If I did want to make it big, I'd make some incredibly stupid but still catchy movie, hope a lot of people watch it on youtube, and try and parlay it into a moronic reality TV show. Now that's how you get ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously you feel inclined to share with the world on what you feel is right and wrong. Yet, it's not up to you. You think that those who right about celebrities are ridiculous- ever consider the fact that that is EXACTLY what people want? Obviously those thoughts haven't occured to you. You might think those who right on,, have no education and are blind to reality. Well here's a wakeup call: those people went to school to write that shit online, and they are paid in great sums of money-unlike yourself. You might think you can change the world with this blog, but you are wrong. Now do I object with your views? Absolutely not. It's rubbish how people love to hear these crazy stories of famous people. But that's life. That's the way people are. And next time you want to spam on someone's website, don't fucking do it to mine.